Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Player Points?

What in the heck are Player Points, you might be asking.
This photo is from Games' profile.  Not intended to be stolen in
This sounds very, very weird at first, but after reading this blog post, you'll get it.  But if you don't want to go there, then press the "read more" button below.

This is currently a beta feature, and this will reset at the end of beta.  These may come in handy if you have lots of points.  You still get your 70% Fee from items.  Telling by "robux" and "sell", this is probably a BC Only Feature.

(Updated: It has to do with what you buy in game, not if someone buys something from your game.  Sorry for the mixup.)

Thanks for reading,
Site Owner and Co-Founder, DrBloxicus.

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