Looking for a job (Hiring)

Game Reviewer, Reviews any game of their choice.  1 Spot Available.

Catalog Item Reviewer, Reviews newest or any item in the catalog.  1 Spot Available.

Current News: Gives all website viewers an article about the most recent update.  1 Spot Available.

Artist (NEW!): Chooses the photo for the outro of the blog, edits the layout, and makes the banners and logos, etc.  1 Spot Available.

Site Moderator (NEW!): Keeps site clean of spam and garbage, checks grammar mistake in blog posts, and can help promote people.  2 Spots Available.  One free and one for referring the most people

If you want to know how to get a job, then choose the job of your choice, message DrBloxicus or masterbuilder543 on ROBLOX or our G-mail with at least three sentences telling us why you want it, what you will do for it, and that kind of stuff.


Owner and Co-Founder, DrBloxicus

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