Thursday, March 27, 2014

Catalog Review: Springtime 2014 R&R&R

Hello, this is DrBloxicus with another hat review.  Today, I am going to talk about the Springtime 2014 R&R&R.

Springtime 2014 R&R&R
Springtime 2014 R&R&R
Style: I would give this a 10/10.  It's just a regular cap with a perfect fit, and the photo on the top shows Sorcus with his arms crossed on your right side of the character, and R&R&R in green graffiti on your left.  Pretty stylish for a throwback.

(Right and Left is measured by where you usually look at your character, from the opposite side.)

Price: Probably a 9/10.  It could be a little bit more expensive, as it is a throwback of a very popular hat from back in 2009 and 2010.

Originality: 2/10.  Not original, as it is stolen from an old idea from back in the golden days,

Overall: 7/10.  It was a good hat, but to yet ruin a classic...  I'm not interested.

-COO DrBloxicus

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