Friday, March 28, 2014

Catalog Recap Review: Hot Wheel's Quick & Sik Series (Updated 4/03/2014)

Since March 1st, ROBLOX has been adding on to the series on the catalog.  Today, I am going to cover them all here for your information.  Note to viewers: I am going to rage a little bit about this, also, I didn't put links in.  Sorry.  Also, the pictures and stuff get mixed up on the viewed version.

 Hot Wheels Jump Truck #1
Hot Wheels Jump Truck (#1)
Detail: 6.5/10.  This one looks a little bulky, but it goes surprisingly fast for its shape.  ROBLOX gave it a 6/10, and I gave it a 7/10, as it was a good start.  I'm just averaging it off.  And those wheels.  Are those Hexagons?

Features: 6/10.  This car isn't the fastest, or "coolest" one, but here's what it can do.  

0-60 mph in 5.6 seconds.  Kinda slow for a car with lots of power.
Power: 510.  Woah.  If that's how much power it has, why can't it GO that fast?
Lap time: 1:26:3.

Overall: 6.5/10.  Not half-bad, but it could easily be improved.

Green Hot Wheels Twin Mill #2
Green Hot Wheels Twin Mill (#2)

Detail: 9/10.  A very 50's style, and in very good condition.  ROBLOX gave it an 8/10, and I gave it a 10/10.  I can't find anything that I could complain about here.

Features: 8/10.  I was very surprised when I compared this one to #1, as it has less power, and a time of just three and a half seconds faster than #1.

0-60 mph in 3.9 seconds.  Just like a '57 Cadillac!
Power: 500.  Well, the engine is probably older, but 500 is still good.
Lap time: 1:22:6.  This one looks like any other competitor could beat this.

Overall: 9/10.  This is probably the best one I've seen.

Hot Wheels Jump Truck #3
Hot Wheels Jump Truck (#3)
3.5/10.  It's an exact copy of #1, except the paint is a little different.  Lacks originality. ROBLOX's rating is a 6, while mine sits at a 1

Features: 1/10.  You don't even need to know the features of this one, as this car is just a sad reproduction of #1.  They're the exact same thing.

Overall: 2.25/10.  ROBLOX needs to get the word "Originality" into their dictionary.

Detail: 9.5/10.  Looks just like a regular hot wheels car and isn't the same exact one as another car in here.  My rating was a 10, while ROBLOX (doubts my perception by sitting lower than me once again), was a 9.
Blue Hot Wheels Quick & Sik #4
Blue Hot Wheels Quick & Sik (#4)

Features: 8/10.  I have to say, these cars keep getting more powerless every time they make a new one, but this one kept an 8 because of an impressive time and speed.

0-60 mph in 4.2 seconds.  Well, it's about average, so I'm ok with this.
Power: 490.  I seriously did not know less power meant more speed.  I mean, really.
Lap time: 1:19.8.  Above.

Overall: 8.75/10.  I don't know how this lost to #2.  This was still a pretty excellent car.

Hot Wheels Bone Shaker #5Detail: 7.75/10.  The skull kind of ruined the look of the car, but otherwise, it's still a pretty good car.  ROBLOX gave it a 7, and I gave it an 8.5                                                            Features: 4/10.  This car is our slowest and least powerful car as of now, and probably for the whole series.                                                                                                                                         0-60 mph in 5.8 seconds: If you wanted speed, this is not your car.                                                                                               Power: 490: That explains it.  I knew the power would screw this car up.                                                                                    Lap time: 1:36:4: This is only good on Cruise Mode.

Overall: 5.875/10.  Let's hope we have some better results in here. 

Hot Wheels Dune Buggy #6
Hot Wheels Dune Buggy (#6)
Detail: 5.5/10.  This dune buggy is kinda bulky and... why are there wings on the side?  Is this car going to fly over Mount Everest?  ROBLOX gave it a 5, and I gave it a 6.

Features: 7/10.  Looks like I was wrong about #5.  This car is slower, bulkier, and least powerful car here.  This car gets some points for being the "#1 Off-Road Vehicle".

0-60mph in 5.9 seconds: Wow!  1/10 of a second!  That's how close I was to being right.
Power: 490: Still.
Lap time: 1:37:1: And it is 7/10 of a second slower than #5.

Overall: 6.25.  Well, it was a better looking and acting car.

 Red Hot Wheels Twin Mill #7
Ret Hot Wheels Twin Mill (#7)

Detail: 4.5/10.  Who wasn't expecting this? Another car with the same build yet different paint job.  ROBLOX gives it an 8, and I gave it a 1

Features: 2/10.  This only gets 2 because it's the most powerful one since #3.  Also, you can read #2 for the features.

Overall: 3.25/10.  Seriously.  No more paint jobs, ok?

Green Hot Wheels Quick & Sik #8
Green Hot Wheels Quick & Sik (#8)
Detail: 5.5/10. What a cruel world!  They made yet another paint job to another car!  ROBLOX gave it a 9, and I gave it another 1.

Features: 2/10.  Another paint job.  It gets a 2 because the first version of this is my favorite.
Well, you can go under #4 for its features.

Overall: 3.75.  If #9 is copied... >_<

Hot Wheels Bone Shaker Blue #9
Hot Wheels Bone Shaker Blue (#9)
Detail: 4/10.  I knew it!  I knew this would happen!  ROBLOX gave this a 7, and I gave it a 1.

Features: 4/10.  You've already read what this car could do up at #5, so I'm just going to skip over to the conclusion.

Overall: 4/10.  The golden car is probably going to be more like the "Fool's Gold Car" if they keep grabbing the paint from the garage.  Let's just hope our final car of the collector's series isn't painted over.

Orange Hot Wheels Dune Buggy #10
Orange Hot Wheels Dune Buggy (#10)

Detail: 3/10.  And I knew this would happen, how?  All of these cars were just 5 cars, and each one then got a paint job on it.  ROBLOX gave 5, and I gave 1.

Features: 2/10.  Only terrain car.  You've already read what this car could do up at #6, so I'm going to skip over this conclusion, too.

Overall: 2.5/10.  If the golden car is original for once, then I'll happily give it a good review, if not, then ok then.

And now, for the Golden Car... and I bet you saw THIS coming:

Hot Wheels Gold Car
Gold Car (#11)

Detail: Woohoo!  The golden car!  Now, let's see if this is original... nope!  This is fool's gold.  And ROBLOX didn't call it cool yet.  0/10.

Features: Hmm... Maybe this "HEAVY METAL" has to have SOME power.  Oh wait, it's just a copy of another car.  0/10.

Overall: 0/10.  I knew this treat would be ruined.

Update: Sorry for being a little harsh about the cars and stuff.  This isn't the first time we've received retextured things on almost all the prizes.

Well, I guess this wraps up our review on all the cars that have been released.  Until next time, this is DrBloxicus, Co-Founder and Site Owner!

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