About our Staff: Bios

Owner and Co-Founder, DrBloxicus:

Hello!  I'm DrBloxicus, formerly known as Bloxxingtheblox. I am a short-tempered yet mature person on ROBLOX.  I have always taken time out of my day to improve the things that needed it and help the people that needed it.  I have been on ROBLOX since August 16th, 2010.  I've tried to find ways to innovate ROBLOX and to help people as well.  It was on March 22nd when a user named Clackz was foruming in ATR for some people to join the group.  I was the only courteous responder to stick up and help him.  Today, you will find me working at Caesar, building some of my places, or just making new blog posts here in the blog

Co-Owner and Group Reviewer, masterbuilder543:

Hey guys, I'm masterbuilder543, the Co-Owner Group Reviewer for this wonderful blog. I joined on March 25, 2012, and have been playing and building every since. I am a nice person who will help you with just about anything unless you treat me badly. I am a builder and a C-framer, but I can't script. I work at Kestrel, Wolfram Tactical Apparel, and Wolfstar Industries. I am also in the Marine Corps and do private trainings. If you want a private training just PM me. Well, that's all folks.


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