Thursday, April 17, 2014

Forum Talk: Egg Hunt 2014 - Pros and Cons

Hello there!  This is DrBloxicus, and I are here to talking in the forums about the egg hunt.  I know you might be saying "It was terrible!", but these are opinions from the people who participated in the talk, and these are the opinions I will be reviewing.

These posts had changes made to them to prevent plagiarism, and to have their words include a better input.

The reason I decided to make this was because of user Zerio920 and his opinion on what he thought about it.  You may see it below:

^ Zerio920's thoughts on the Egg Hunt ^
That was honestly the best thing put into words I've ever seen.  Nice job, Zerio.


Next, we have our forum talk responses.  Here are the best pros I found.

Our second best response is from untruelyfun, and he writes "It was a really good game to keep me busy when I had nothing to do."

The best pro response I received was from MarioLuigi35, saying "I thought the concept and map of the game was very good, and that the eggs were very well done."


Now, here are our cons.

Our third best response comes from Drag0n88, who says "The place was too big and laggy, and with exploiters, broken servers, and constant closing, it was really hard to have fun here."

Our second best response was from MarioLuigi35, who had a really good pro statement, as well as a con one.  He said, "Because of our younger audience, it was rushed out to the public with many bugs and errors, and it made the game a lot less fun to play."

Our best con response (which posted after I started working on the blog,) comes from EdonSolo, who writes, "Using universes in the game makes it even harder to find your friends, and it would be better if all the eggs weren't split up into 5 games.  It would strongly reduce lag and hassle."


Conclusion: The main problems with this game was that the closing and terrain made it hard to have much fun here.  And the best things about this (according to users,) was the variety of new and good looking eggs that they could find.


This is DrBloxicus, Site Owner and Co-Founder, with the first ever forum talk for our little blog.  
Thanks for reading!

P.S: I'm sorry the layout looks like dirt.  I will know better next time I make one of these, as well as some improvement in my other blog posts.  Also, the picture is out of whack, and I tried to make it readable as well as seeable.

In compliance with, there is a clickable link back to the site so then this blog post is valid.

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