Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Game Review: Very Important Person

Very Important Person_Image
Very Important Person.  Click here to play!
Very Important Person, or VIP, is a game where players fight to keep humanity alive, as well as save a president from certain danger from terrorists.  Created by a new developer team called On the Dot development, this game puts players in great peril as they try to keep each other safe, or watch as their team gets shot down one by one.

Now, let's get to the real review, that was just the introduction.

Game Stats: This game has been played 208K+ Times, has an 86% Thumbs Up rating, and there is no access fee.

Front Page Stats: 68th in Top Rated and 9th in Top Earning.

Exploring the game: When I played VIP, I was immediately addicted with the immense gameplay that makes me want to come back.  10 Terrorists had to take on about 5 Agents and the president, who is equipped with a Glock, while the other players were equipped with binoculars, a strong gun, and a side weapon to go with.  No matter who you are, the suspense and excitement of this game will keep you gripped for hours.

Conclusion: I say that this game is a must play, especially for those good at FPS and handling action.  Strategizing will help all of the players, even if they don't know how to count to two, and you have many rounds in case you're a reckless shooter.

This is a game review by DrBloxicus.

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